Legal fees are a necessary part of buying property. With all the paperwork and fine print involved, having someone who can work with you to translate it is essential to ensure you don’t get into any trouble down the line. This is where conveyancers and solictors come in.
Typically the legal fees associated with buying a property can range from $800 to $2,500, although some conveyancers will charge a reduced fee if the purchase doesn’t reach settlement. Before we get into that though, what is the difference between a conveyancer and a solicitor?
ConveyancersConveyancers prepare and review all documentation related to transfers, conduct title and certificate searches, communicate with the vendor on your behalf and help you deal with any issues that might arise throughout the transfer process. They are generally well versed in local laws and procedures. Conveyancers can be less expensive than qualified solicitors, making them an excellent choice for straightforward property transactions.
SolicitorAs opposed to a conveyancer, a solicitor is a fully fledged legal professional. They do the same tasks as a conveyancer (in fact, in this role they are conveyancers), but they have a greater knowledge of the law. They are more equipped to deal with complicated or out-of-the-ordinary issues or complex sales. And they can advise you on difficult matters, such as tax implications.
Another important difference is that a solicitor can act on property transactions Australia wide, not specific to the state that their certificate was received. In contrast, conveyancers are only permitted to transact in the state that they are licensed.
How to choose between a conveyancer and a solicitor
When deciding whether to use a conveyancer or a solicitor when purchasing your home, it’s helpful to be fully informed about the benefits and drawbacks of each. Below is a collection of external resources that can help you make the best choice for your situation.
Advice from BOQ
Advice from uBank
Advice from Coutts Lawyers and Conveyencers
Recommended conveyancers and solicitors
After deciding between a conveyancer and a solicitor, you need to start looking for someone in the industry who’ll be the right fit for you. To make it easier for you, we’ve brought together a list of conveyancers and solicitors that we trust.
Conveyancer (NSW, Vic and Qld):
Conveyancer (NSW, Sydney): CM Law
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